
Konferenzankündigung: 2024 Annual Simulation Conference (ANNSIM) – "Humans, Societies, and Artificial Agents"

Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler

I’m honored to serve as the track chair for "Humans, Societies, and Artificial Agents" of the 2024 Annual Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), organized in Washington, D.C. on 20–23 May 2024. https://scs.org/annsim/

We invite scientists, engineers, educators, and industry professionals who develop or use M&S methodologies and tools to participate and present original contributions. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work and connect with academic and industry experts! We’re counting on your submissions (due in January) on select topics in "Humans, Societies, and Artificial Agents" with a special focus on Policy Modeling. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE.

ANNSIM is one of the main conferences of the general simulation community, covering state-of-the-art developments in Modeling & Simulation (M&S).

This year, we’ll feature new and exciting tracks on modeling and simulation in the areas of sustainability, business process management, and cyber security. We’ll also retain many traditional tracks, including digital twins, cyber-physical systems, machine learning and AI, theory and foundations in modeling and simulation, medicine, and architectural and urban design.

Join us in Washington, D.C. and let’s make ANNSIM 2024 a success!

#conference #simulation #annsim #modeling #computerscience #engineering

Podiumsdiskussion: "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Pandemiebekämpfung"

Videomitschnitt des Herrenhäuser Forum der Volkswagen Stiftung "Überwachen – Übernehmen – Überlassen? Der Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Pandemiebekämpfung" vom 25. November 2021 mit Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler, Dr. Aljoscha Burchardt, Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf, Prof. Dr. Judith Simon und Annette Riedel (Moderation).

Nachbericht: https://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungsberichte/wo-kann-künstliche-intelligenz-in-pandemien-helfen-–-und-wo-darf-sie

Webinar Culture and AI, July 6, 2021 14:00-17:00 CET

Click here for registration

While AI is an intensively debated topic, the impact of AI on the social and cultural life is less investigated. This will be highlighted in the webinar. The webinar will consist of talks of three experts in the domain of AI and culture and will conclude with a plenary discussion of the speakers.


  • Sascha Dickel

Title: "Communicative Robots and (Post-)human Identities"

Abstract: With the rise of communicative robots like Amazon’s Alexa, language-based interaction with machines is increasingly becoming part of our everyday life. This presentation uses the case of communicative robots to investigate the changing relationship between humans and machines. I suggest that communicative robots challenge established boundaries of the social world but nevertheless reproduce a cultural asymmetry between human and non-human actors.

Person: My research profile connects an academic background in sociology with a transdisciplinary career trajectory in science & technology studies. One of my major research fields are the challenges of digital technologies for society and social theory.

  • Christoph Bläsi

Title: "AI in editing, marketing, and using books. What do we know about potential effects on taste and creation?"

Abstract: In the publishing industry, AI applications are not only used in general management and marketing, but increasingly also at the core of its value chain, in editorial work. After an overview about such applications, the book usage process (buying, reading) and its support and / or surveyllance by AI systems will be focused. Anecdotal evidence (corresponding platforms don´t talk much about what they do ...) and insights from other media systems (film, music) inform a research project that has just started and will research particularly algorithmic recommendations and their effects on cultural tastes and possibly also the creation side.

Person: Christoph Bläsi is a professor for book / publishing studies at JGU´s  Gutenberg Institute for World Literature and Written Media. His main areas of interest are digital publishing and book business as well as the application of digital humanities methods to book studies research problems. More recently, he has been starting research on AI applications in the book industry as well as on the effects of recommender engines on cultural tastes.

  • Petra Ahrweiler, Dr. Martin Neumann, Dr. Frederick Herget

Title: How does AI shape social change in the domain of public policy?

Abstract: the lab for sociology of technology and innovation of the JGU Mainz will provide an overview of ongoing research projects on the influence of AI on social change.  This will be illustrated at two examples: One example is algorithmic assessment for social welfare provision. Research is undertaken in a bidirectional way: It is studied how AI assesses humans and how humans assess AI. A second example is cognition in navigating political landscapes. It is investigated whether AI based complexity reducing devices foster the rise of political populism.

Person: The lab of Professor Petra Ahrweiler is investigating the sociology of technology and innovation. Professor Ahrweiler received her PhD for a study on AI and obtained her habilitation for a study on simulation in Science and Technology Studies. Her lab investigates whether and how new technologies and innovations have the potential to redraw the image of our society in a completely new way. Dr. Frederick Herget will talk about algorithmic assessment for social welfare provision. Dr. Martin Neumann will concentrate on the impact of AI on navigating political landscapes.

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Neue Publikation des Arbeitsbereiches (in Evidence based HRM)

Ein Artikel in der Zeitschrift Evidence based HRM wurde veröffentlicht: "Siebers, Ü., Herath, D., Bardone, E., Farahbakhs, S., Knudes, S., Madsen, J. Mufti, M., Neumann, M., Richards, D., Seri, R., Secchi, D. (2020). On the quest for defining organizational plasticity. Evidence based HRM: a global forum for empirical scholarship (online first)

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Workshop des Arbeitsbereichs im Rahmen des Projekts AI NAVI

Im Rahmen des Projekts AI NAVI hat der Arbeitsbereich vom 08. bis 10. Juli einen Workshop im Kloster Nütschau durchgeführt. Im Fokus des Workshops stand der menschliche Umgang mit Komplexität in Entscheidungssituationen und dem Bestreben zur Reduktion derselben. Das Programm umfasste eine Mischung aus formellen Präsentationen, partizipativer Gamification, experimentellen Formaten und inter-aktiven Diskussionen.

Das Projekt "Artificial Intelligence Navigation of Complex Social Landscapes (AI Navi)" untersucht den Einfluss von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) auf menschliche Denk- und Entscheidungsprozesse in ver-schiedenen sozialen Bereichen.

Neue Publikation des Arbeitsbereichs: Kommentar der Europäischen Social Simulation Community zur aktuellen COVID-19 Pandemie

Computational Models That Matter During a Global Pandemic Outbreak: A Call to Action

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a dramatic loss of lives worldwide, challenging the sustainability of our health care systems, threatening economic meltdown, and putting pressure on the mental health of individuals (due to social distancing and lock-down measures). The pandemic is also posing severe challenges to the scientific community, with scholars under pressure to respond to policymakers’ demands for advice despite the absence of adequate, trusted data. Understanding the pandemic requires fine-grained data representing specific local conditions and the social reactions of individuals. While experts have built simulation models to estimate disease trajectories that may be enough to guide decision-makers to formulate policy measures to limit the epidemic, they do not cover the full behavioural and social complexity of societies under pandemic crisis. Modelling that has such a large potential impact upon people’s lives is a great responsibility. This paper calls on the scientific community to improve the transparency, access, and rigour of their models. It also calls on stakeholders to improve the rapidity with which data from trusted sources are released to the community (in a fully responsible manner). Responding to the pandemic is a stress test of our collaborative capacity and the social/economic value of research.

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