Journal Articles
Ahrweiler P, Schilperoord M, Pyka A, Gilbert N (2015) 'Modelling research policy: ex-ante evaluation of complex policy instruments'. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18 (4).
Köhler J, Whitmarsh L, Nykvist B, Schilperoord M, Bergman N, Haxeltine A (2009) 'A transitions model for sustainable mobility'. Ecological Economics, 68 (12):2985-2995.
Schilperoord M, Rotmans J, Bergman N (2008) 'Modelling societal transitions with agent transformation'. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 14 (4):283-301.
Bergman N, Haxeltine A, Whitmarsh L, Köhler J, Schilperoord M, Rotmans J (2008) 'Modelling socio-technical transition patterns and pathways'. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 11 (3).
Haxeltine A, Whitmarsh L, Rotmans J, Schilperoord M, Bergman N, Köhler J (2008) 'Conceptual framework for transition modelling'. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 3 (1-2):93-114.
Laver M, Schilperoord M (2007) 'Spatial models of political competition with endogenous political parties'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 362 (1485):1711-1721.
Schilperoord (2016) 'Start-ups when and where? Using the SKIN platform for modelling the birth of new firms'. In: Ahrweiler P, Gilbert N, Pyka A (eds) Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Innovation Policy. Agent-based modelling using the SKIN platform. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.
Ahrweiler P, Schilperoord M, Pyka A, Gilbert N (2014) 'Testing policy options for Horizon 2020 with SKIN'. In: Gilbert N, Ahrweiler P, Pyka A (eds) Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks – SKIN, Springer: Heidelberg/New York.
Schilperoord M, Ahrweiler P (2014) 'Towards a prototype policy laboratory for simulating innovation networks'. In: Gilbert N, Ahrweiler P, Pyka A (eds) Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks – SKIN. Springer: Heidelberg / New York.
Ahrweiler P, Schilperoord M, Gilbert N, Pyka A (2012) 'Simulating the role of MNCs for knowledge and capital dynamics in networks of innovation'. In: Heidenreich M (ed) Innovation and Institutional Embeddedness of Multinational Companies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Laver M, Sergenti E, Schilperoord M (2012) 'Endogenous birth and death of political parties in dynamic party competition'. In: Seth A, Prescott T, Bryson J (eds) Modelling Natural Action Selection. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Andere Publikationen
Köhler J, Schilperoord M (2008) 'Report on a historical calibration case study for the MATISSE WP9 transitions model: a new perspective on the transition from sail to steam in ocean shipping'. Working Paper.
Tàbara D et al. (2007) 'Participatory modelling for the integrated sustainability assessment of water'. Working Paper.
Bergman N, Whitmarsh L, Köhler J, Haxeltine A, Schilperoord M (2007) 'Assessing transitions to sustainable housing and communities in the UK'. International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment.